MMA Funded projects in 2018

Topics concerning muskellunge and fisheries research, diseases, stocking and management.
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Will Schultz
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MMA Funded projects in 2018

Post by Will Schultz » Mon May 14, 2018 10:51 am

Michigan Muskie Alliance has a long history as a research partner with the Michigan DNR fisheries division. The following are some planned, or already funded, projects and partnerships for 2018.

Lake St Clair muskellunge telemetry research:
MMA is proud to be working partnering with the Michigan DNR and Lake St Clair Fisheries Research Station biologist Jan Hessenauer, Ph. D. on his research project. MMA was able to purchased 15 acoustic transmitters that will be surgically implanted into Lake St Clair muskies this spring. This research project uses a passive acoustic receiver system to track the muskies in the St Clair system and Lake Erie. MMA members will also be assisting with the capture of muskies that will be used in this research.

Wolf Lake Fish Hatchery Visitor Center:
MMA has replaced an aging muskellunge skin mount that was not a good representation of what a muskie looked like. The replica, a 45" muskie created by Joe Fittante, will replace the old muskie mount in the visitor center. MMA also funded a new kiosk where visitors can learn about muskies. The kiosk will feature a video that details the muskie rearing process. The video can be seen here:

Youth fishing and education is an important part of what they do at the visitor center. MMA's annual Bruce Memorial Charity Tournament donates all proceeds from this event to the Friends of Wolf Lake (FOWL). This money is used to purchase fishing gear used in getting more than 3000 kids out fishing annually at Wolf Lake visitor center.

Wolf Lake Hatchery Muskellunge Rearing
MMA was fortunate enough to be given a grant in April from the Hugh C. Becker Foundation in the amount of $2000 to purchase minnows for the hatchery. MMA committed to at least $2500 in matching funds.
Self interest is for the past, common interest is for the future.

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