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Wolf Lake Hatchery Emergency – Late September 2008

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 12:47 pm
by mmainfo
There's good and bad things that go with such a successful year at the hatchery. Lots of muskies is good but lots of muskies can be bad too. You're wondering how lots of fish be bad - right? Well, there are more fish in each lined pond than ever before and therefore an increased need for oxygen in each pond. The levels of DO (dissolved oxygen) in the ponds became very low and near lethal toward the end of September. There were some fish lost but the numbers were VERY minimal because the hatchery acted quickly and came up with ways to get the DO back up near acceptable levels. However, the solutions were short term and not cost effective.

Wolf Lake asked for help and Michigan Muskie Alliance (MMA) responded. The installation of aerators in the lined ponds has been completed, thanks to funding from Michigan Muskie Alliance.