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Programs are hooking new anglers of all ages

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 9:29 pm
by Hamilton Reef
Another warm-fuzzy story.

Programs are hooking new anglers of all ages ... xml&coll=1
Sunday, September 04, 2005
MARCUS SCHNECK: (610) 562-1884 or

As fantastic a fishing tale as the musky ex perience of Tom Gribb, his mother, Dawn, and volunteer mentor Ed "Mr. Musky" Crumlich may be, it also is a wonderful example of how to bring new anglers into the sport.
It shows why the many programs of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, local sportsmen's clubs and national fishing organizations designed to hook youngsters on the sport and draw in other members of their families are right on target.

Tom's father, Jeffrey, prefers golfing and hunting to fishing, but the boy's uncle, John Gribb, who also happens to be a fishing guide in South Carolina, introduced his nephew to the sport he loves.

And, so Tom would have someone to take him fishing back home in New Cumberland, John also re-introduced his mother to the sport that she had tried a few times as a youth with a neighbor.

From there, she took her knowledge of the sport that she could pass onto Tom to the next level "by reading lots of books and from people who I knew were fishermen."

She finds the mostly male angling community eager to help a woman learn to share their sport.

She's also become an avid fly fishermen, learning from Middletown's angling legend, Bob Clouser.

The mother-son fishing buddies have been angling together about five years, and their investment in the sport has grown with their enthusiasm for it.

When they too often found their favorite fishing spots taken at Pinchot Lake in northern York County, they bought a johnboat.

When Tom expressed an interest in muskellunge fishing, in which they had no expertise, his mother again took them to the next level by seeking a experienced mentor.

Crumlich filled that role perfectly, taking the time to teach and then to guide the newcomers through a positive introduction to the sport.

Although Tom still most enjoys "fishing for sunnies because they're really easy to catch," the memories of that monster musky, with his mother and Mr. Musky, will stick with him for many years to come, just as he plans to stick with fishing.