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sanford 10/23 and some babble...Grrr

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 10:32 pm
by Bryan Saenz
Hello Fella's

Went out to Sanford today, about 8am-130pm. Was a nice bitterish day out on the lake. Conditions seemed good. I worked some deeper water off structure, no dice. Then trolled through massive schools of fish I was marking, no dice. Broke out topwater over some deep dying weed flats, got a pike to show, still no dice. I recently bought a new bait, by Rapala, its an X-Rap, but it isn't the feather tail one, its a much bigger version, about 6" jointed (awesome action for twitching). I managed to have a bass hit, but I was asleep and missed him at boatside. I broke down and bought some minnows to jig, few peeps from work got a nice little stringer of walleye 2 days ago jigging minnows by the bridge in 14-24 foot or so. So I got a pike (tiny 17") and a bass, smally, about 14". That about summed the day up..I am still trying to figure out fall fishing on this lake, as I am very new to it. Anyone ever lookin to go out, drop me a line, I would be glad to go along with or we could take my boat..haha I just want to know what the hell I should be doing different in fall.
Now to my real reason for this post today.. This is gettin to be old hat, but after what I encountered I was about to go postal.
I went to purchase my minnows at Sanford bait and tackle and while I was waiting for the lady behind the counter to get them scooped up I was looking around, drifted over near the pics on the wall and wanted to go nuts. There are SO MANY pics of muskie from this year alone ...and like 2-3 new ones of fish over the 50" mark that people have taken out. Yes yes yes yes...i know its their right to do as they please with that. But what really got my panties in a bunch was all the ones in pictures I seen that were anywhere from 20"-38" or so and they were labeled as pike.
Anyone who lives around this area, or anyone who travels to fish Sanford was probably optimistic at one point like myself of this becoming a true trophy fishery. But this summer has been real disheartening. And I know this is all repeat complaining...BUUUUUUUUUUUUT I have to think unless we ban together, not just on this lake, but others that we want to have the potential to be trophy class, we need to come together and really try to do all we can to get TOTAL CATCH AND RELEASE.... I mean doing whatever it takes to get this in effect. I know its a friggin long shot and we are fighting a losing battle because muskie are the devil and they only eat panfish that taste good...Grrrrr But I am willing to make a effort and do what I can, no this is not my Mel Gibson Braveheart speech, but I think action has to start to be taken. Take Care - Bryan

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:46 pm
by Gabe
Wouldn't that be illegal to have picture on the wall of keep fish that are to small to keep and should they look for those people and give them a ticket they have there picture.Bryan if you what to fish sanford sometime time send me pm. Gabe

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 7:36 pm
by Will Schultz
Yep, I would call the local C.O. and let them know there is evidence of poaching in that bait shop.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:38 pm
by Bryan Saenz
Yea i hear ya about reporting it, i just can't believe that no one has done that yet. I wrote the dnr an email on the michigan dnr web site about it, and let them know all about it. We'll see what or if i get a responce.


Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:58 pm
by ron berry
the local dnr have been told about the pictures and many other things that go on in sanford but your just going to get the same story,well they thought it was a pike blah blah blah.and dont even ask the women dnr officer about anything to do with muskies because she doesnt even no about our club or wolf lake and to top it all of she tells all the locals if its legal size go ahead and keep it theres plenty of them in the lake.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 9:11 pm
by Bryan Saenz
I have to agree with Ron ....What about vigilantly justice like Clint Eastwood style, some Dirty Harry type rough stuff. I know I know, i am full of it, It just gets taxing when it seems like your hands are tied because nit wits can buy a license over the counter to catch and kill trophy fish and under size illegal fish that get planted in hopes of a great fishery.

bla bla bla.... I guess what it boils down to is everything in life screws you, so just add this to that list.... Next on the list... $$$heating your house this winter... Bendover... it isn't going to be gentle I hear...

Midland musky issues

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 9:16 pm
by Pete
Ron's correct Bryan, the DNR has been noted about the harvest of those undersize fish. Still, it would be great if you would join the fight and keep the officers abreast of what's going on out there. Ron B., Greg M., Scott S. and myself are pretty diligent about reporting all the verified incidents...probably so much so that they might be getting a little sick of us filling up the RAP line. That being said - try to keep the tone positive when talking to the local officials. (After a few conversations with them you may find this difficult.) It can be frustrating at times around here, but we really need their cooperation to help slowly sway the locals' attitudes. Catch you later...