Biggest fish this year?

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Post by jasonvkop » Mon Dec 13, 2010 11:22 pm

Didn't have a very good year compared to previous years, but still did okay and am going to come with out a vengeance next year! The year started off really well, but never really put things together after the long lay off from the hot water in late summer.
Total catch - 20
Average size - 39"
Biggest - 47" (on homemade bucktail)
Over 44" - 5

Definitely going to keep better records next year and am really going to pay attention to detail. Might even buy an underwater camera to really check out the lakes. I got stuck in a rut a couple of times in which I fished what I wanted to fish and not what the fish wanted. This will not happen next year!
The Musky Bandit strikes again!

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Jim tenHaaf
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Post by Jim tenHaaf » Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:48 am

Jason, I feel the same way, and made some of the same mistakes. That, coupled with too much work = one of the worst years of putting fish in my net. My new bumpboard still looks new. After seeing some of you guys' records, I feel like maybe I should be doing the same. Maybe I should start filling in more of the info into the Lunge Log.
Maybe what I should've been doing during the hot month that we had is do what Jason said. I should've just been out with my underwater camera and scoping out structure in the lakes I fish. Just leave the rods and home so I won't be tempted. I'll have to keep that in mind for the the next time we get some hot temps.

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Post by Kingfisher » Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:14 am

W e use the lunge log all the time. Its a great source of information. For instance last years women,s masters winner caught all of her fish on suckers. This was in November. Michelle had to fish in November and Live bait was the constant that put most of her fish in the net. From Indiana to Murray a 10 to 12 inch sucker is very effective. So we took a page out of someone elses book and applied it to our lakes and it worked great. Couple that with our earlier success trolling and all the fish we got casting lures it added up to our second best season ever. Casting,trolling, and using live bait. All great tactics that put fish in the boat. Mike

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Mike is casting???

Post by finlander » Tue Dec 14, 2010 12:54 pm

Have you found a wonder drug?? [smilie=bow.gif] PM me its' name. My arthritis in my shoulders has detonated this fall...every move hurts. No casting here.

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Post by Smada962 » Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:49 pm

I myself was fortunate enough that I had the most "free" summer I've ever had. No girlfriend, no softball leagues, no golf leagues, nothing. The only thing keeping me from fishing at any time I wanted was my Mon-Fri 7-3:30 job. I am also blessed to have multiple lakes within 25 minutes away, and my "home" lake is only 2 miles from my door. Through keeping extremely detailed logs of the last few years I've realized there also seems to be very distinct patterns in my success/failures based on certain weather conditions for the lakes I fish. I know I over-think it at times, but I like to plan my fishing schedule based heavily on the weather. Having the freedom to pick and choose when to go around favorable weather/moon patterns has helped me tremendously. I know fish can be caught under any conditions at about any time but if not anything else it makes me feel more confident that I'm maximizing my time spent on the water. However, next year one of my goals is to not talk myself out of going just because the weather isn't what I want.

Everyones situations are different. Just like hunting it does no good to get caught up in comparing success/failure because there are just too many variables. It's all about doing the best you can with what you've got and having fun doing it.
Ryan Adams

Yeah well ya know, that's just like, your opinion man

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Jim tenHaaf
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Post by Jim tenHaaf » Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:04 pm

I also tried to play the weather game this year. Didn't work out to my favor though... Funny thing is, 2 out of the 3 biggest fish I've ever caught were caught during bright, sunny, bluebird days. Days that most guys would look out their window and say, "Nah, I'm not going to waste my time. I'll wait for some cloud cover".

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Post by swanezy » Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:22 pm

The layoff for me this summer sucked.. I am one that worries enough about injuring or killing a fish during the warm temps, so i didn't go out when i got back from canada in the 2nd wk of july, till Aug 31 i believe.

Think i got 15 with the limited hours on the water this year, 45 was my biggest, and hopefully next year we won't have a layoff on our local lakes cause of the weather.

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Re: Mike is casting???

Post by Kingfisher » Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:26 pm

finlander wrote:Have you found a wonder drug?? [smilie=bow.gif] PM me its' name. My arthritis in my shoulders has detonated this fall...every move hurts. No casting here.
Just Motrin my friend :grin: . And those rice filled bags that you put in the microwave . W e call them bed buddies. Moist heat works wonders for aching joints. TAKE A TUBE SOCK AND FILL IT WITH WHITE RICE AND TIE OFF THE END. Then microwave on high for 4 minutes. Apply to affected joints along with three 200 milligram Motrin. That is our miracle cure.

We tend to change Lakes when we have weather changes. Cloudy days with that spitting rain and dark skies are the best times to fish clear water. More strikes less spooked fish at boat side. One day we were moving tons of fish on Lower crooked casting but they were spooking from the clear water and bright sun shine. We pulled and went to Thornapple where the water is stained. We caught fish that day. If we always do the same things we always get the same results. Also how many of you guys know that fish tend to be more aggressive after noon when water temps cool into the low 50's ? I used to just skip the mornings at Osterhout in late fall as the bite would always seem to start about 1:00 pm. Mike

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Post by Mark D. Platt » Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:29 pm

Started out the season with a really nice GLS spotted in one of my favorite places. (Yes, that is vague). Between the heat in Michigan and trying to minimize trips before my Canada trip. I found myself not fishing much. After the weather cooled, my work schedule heated up and I still didn't fish much. Better luck next year. See you all soon!


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Chris Musselman
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Post by Chris Musselman » Tue Dec 21, 2010 11:48 am

I'm going to call this the year of missed opportunities. Our second year chasing and we learned a ton.

6 fish total.

45" Skegemog fish with Will was the highlight.

48"+ Murray fish lost in the net was the biggest heartbreak.

36" Thornapple fish was my first muskie!!!

40" Ovid Fish my PB

35" skegemog fish my buddies first on a lure dangling in the water.

Oh and Lake of the Woods trip with 0 fish was biggest DUMPSTER FIRE.

I'm renovating my boat for next year. The one thing I learned is that driving downstate to fish, while exciting just isn't worth it when I have the chain in my back yard. The most beautiful place in the world and the fish (though few and far between) are so worth the wait.
If I'm not going to catch fish. I might as well not be catching Muskies...

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Post by Duke » Tue Dec 21, 2010 1:32 pm

Had a great season when I could get out- unfortunately I missed far more time than usual, was not able to hit all my favorite spots & favorite times, and also mostly missed out on a "hot bite" my partners were enjoying!... so that stunk. Since it doesn't look like I will be doing any more fishing this year, my biggest will be a 46.5" that weighed about half as much as the best fish I hooked... unfortunately that fish did not quite make it all the way to the net. Biggest fish in my boat was a 49" for my oldest brother- his biggest fish ever and one that made my season too! Here's to coming back with a vengeance next year... as best as I can with 3 young children anyway!

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Post by TimD » Wed Dec 22, 2010 5:43 pm

I had a pretty fun year musky fishing with a few nice fish boated. Enjoyed fishing a new lake and making some new fishing friends.

Total fish boated - 31 - all casting
Average size - 40.75"

2 fish over 50"...52" and 51"
A couple of 48"'s and a couple of 46"'s from Ovid.

One of the best memories - lost a true MONSTER of a fish as it literally tore the hooks from my bait while thrashing on top in one place. I was leaning back, 70 degree angle, with all of my weight and could not move the fish.

Another great memory - Netting a friends PB that was one of the best looking fish that I have ever seen. A chunk from head to toe. This fish made deep runs, jumped and did just about everything you could ask for for an exciting fight.

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Post by Jim tenHaaf » Wed Dec 22, 2010 7:12 pm

You know, I've been thinking that


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Post by jasonvkop » Wed Dec 22, 2010 7:51 pm

Here are some pics from my year.
Longest fish @ 47" on homemade bucktail
Second biggest fish of the year
My friend's first muskie
Another nice fish on a homemade bucktail
The Musky Bandit strikes again!

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