The Michigan Muskie Alliance is fully committed to educating its members on the most effective methods to catch, photograph and safely release muskies here in the Great Lakes State.

  • Muskellunge – a Keystone Species

    key•stone spe•cies: a species on which other species in an ecosystem largely depend, such that if it were removed the ecosystem would change drastically. A keystone species is an organism that helps hold everything together in any environment. Oftentimes, this role is played out by an apex predator such as Wolves in Yellowstone National Park, […]

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  • Why Catch and Release?

    Catch and release is a relatively new concept to fishing, no matter what the species. Lessons learned in the past have given way to anglers being stewards of the resource and not just users.

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  • toolstechniques1

    Tools & Techniques

    With the recent successful introduction of muskellunge in many Michigan waters, there is increasing interest in the fishery, and along with that, increased angling pressure.

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  • Hand supporting fishes body

    Taking Photos

    Many anglers want to have a photo of their catch. Let’s face it: we may spend thousands of dollars on rods, reels, lures and tackle, not to mention travel and boats. A photo of your soon to be released muskie would be nice to have!

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